Our company serves in the metal sector and acts with the principle of unconditional customer satisfaction in order to increase the service quality, and is a company based on quality, price, continuity, speed and trust in material supply.
It successfully carries out the container system within the framework of waste collection rules in accordance with the Packaging Waste Control Regulation and has gained the appreciation of its customers. As Adana Recycling, the packaging waste we bring to the country's economy is safely collected and transported to the recycling facilities with great devotion.
Our company consists of Industrial Organizations; - It transports Metal Scrap (DKP Sheet Waste) Wastes to Recycling Facilities for the collection, transportation of industrial and recyclable solid wastes and for reintroducing them to the economy.
Our company carries out scrap purchases from enterprises with the 'container' system. To summarize the container system briefly; Open or closed case containers are left in the area determined by the enterprises, factories, hypermarkets, markets, etc., from which waste is taken.
When these containers of minimum 1000 kg/ton are full,
they are replaced with a new one on the day and time determined by the company,
and the replacement is carried out in a short time like three minutes. The
sorting process is carried out with the help of our workers for the packaging
wastes that come to our business in a mixed manner. Then, with the help of our
various construction machines, our press machine is also crushed and
compressed, then turned into bales and shipped to the Recycling Facilities upon
* Wastes are evaluated at their source, recyclable wastes
are separated and accumulated without mixing with garbage.
* Wastes are taken into containers according to their
type and composition.
* Recyclable wastes are collected in the area allocated
in the temporary storage facility and transferred to appropriate recycling
* Our company supports all kinds of work on the
management of your waste with its Environmental Engineer.
For more detail : http://www.eskademircelik.com.tr/en/
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